What Can Hypnosis Help You With?

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Hypnosis is something that has helped individuals with many different things over the years. What can it help you with?


Weight Loss – Weight Loss through hypnosis! Discover your triggers, emotional eating habits and self defeating behaviors and beliefs that are making you eat. Feel better immediately as your motivation increases and the weight slips away, naturally, easily, and without all the crazy dieting. You’ll begin wanting to eat what works for your body, gaining health, freedom, and confidence. Some of our clients have lost more than 80 pounds and are keeping it off!

Stop Smoking – Hypnosis can eliminate the need for cigarettes immediately. You’ll have the resources and techniques you need to breeze through any cravings, and won’t gain weight! Most smokers stop after just 1 session and never need to come back!

Fears/Phobias – Fears and phobias generally relate to a particular event or incident, where your subconscious mind created a belief based on a misunderstanding.  Once this is cleared, amazing transformations are possible. Common fears I have helped eliminate are fear of heights, snakes,  enclosed places or elevators, and bugs. Imagine what your life would be like without that fear! Many times we can clear these up with just one session.

Self Esteem/Self Love – Many of us have been brought up to believe we must be perfect to be loved. Or told that we were unworthy, ugly, stupid, and so on. This can come from peers, family or even something you heard once in passing.  Those old recordings are still playing in the deep recesses of your mind. Once we resolve them, you are free to create your own, positive recordings to replace them, and you will be free to appreciate yourself, increase your self esteem, self confidence, and self love. 

Success, Motivation and Focus – Many of our clients are looking for a combination of hypnosis and life or success coaching. With hypnosis, we clear any old beliefs or patterns that are standing in the way. Then we move into life or success coaching to help our client define and set goals so they can implement the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions that will bring them their desired results.  Depending on your objective, this could be just a few sessions, or it could turn into a 3 to 6 month program with weekly coaching sessions.